I had the opportunity to redesign a website that schedules, customizes, manages, and automates anonymous peer evaluation surveys.
My Role
UX Design intern
June 2024 - Present
Figma, Canva, Trello, Microsoft Sharepoint
Redesign an intuitive, user-friendly platform that monitors and manages workflow of anonymous peer evaluation surveys.
What The Old Design Looked Like Before
outdated, misaligned texts, overuse of grayscale color palate, no intractability.
Step-wise survey set-up page:
outdated elements and color choice, inaccessible button sizes, text blends in with the background, making it in hard to read.
Employee Shout-Outs page:
A boring and outdate page that has no clear hierarchy, making it confusion to navigate a page that is supposed to be used as a social media platform for employees to interact with.
Critical Analysis of the Old Design
My Redesign
Added intractability via a dashboard structured homepage. Clear hierarchy and clickable elements, enhanced visual design by changing color palette, font style and text sizes.
Survey set-up page:
Clear hierarchy showing users how to create and set-up survey before heading off to the steps. Clickable buttons with different colors to indicate different functionality.
Survey set-up page:
Check-mark list on step-wise instructional guide on how to set-up survey. Clickable buttons with different colors to indicate different functionality and clear hierarchy.
Employee Shout-Outs page:
Added filters and tags. Added more colors to make the visual aesthetic more interesting. Provided descriptions instructions on top of the page for users to understand what page they're looking and how to interact with it.
Access design prototype here
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.